Friday, January 17, 2014

73 Things I've Learned On My Mission

This is what I have learned on my mission so far: 
1.      I talk in my sleep.
2.       Silence is not uncomfortable.
3.      No one in Virginia knows how to drive.
4.      There is power in kneeling prayer.
5.      I like guacamole.
6.      I look good in yellow.
7.      God is in the details.
8.      Going to bed early is the greatest blessing.
9.      I love everyone.
10.               I rarely like Wreaths.
11.  I owe everything to Jesus Christ.
12.  I am not entitled to anything.
13.                    It's okay not to be happy every minute of every day.
14.  Planning is necessary.
15.  Erasable highlighters exist.
16.  I can bike in a skirt without flashing too many people.
17.  I am always hungry.
18.  General Conference should probably just be holiday. (That's how great it is.)
19.  The DC North Mission actually doesn't include any of DC.
20.  Change is hard, but can be sooo beneficial.
21.                   Gospel is not spelled like "gosple"
22.  Time is a lie.
23.  I want to be in love.
24.  I am beautiful.
25.  Everyone is unique.
26.  Scriptures really do tell us all the answers.
27.   Missionaries still tract.
28.         Few gifts compare to a hand-written letter.
29.  Earrings don't have to be super bulky to be adorable.
30.     I will gain more knowledge on my mission than I could learn in a classroom.
31.  I crave praise.
32.  I have more fears then I care to admit.
33.  I am brave.
34.  Thanksgiving Eve is a really great day!
35.  It's selfish to be a perfectionist.
36.                      Grace is the enabling power of the atonement.
37.   I love my family more than words can comprehend.
38.                     Service is the best way to get rid of stupid self-pity.
39.   Faith is power.
40.  The priesthood is manifest in covenant keeping.
41.  Every calling is so important.
42.  Visiting teaching is vital.
43.   I like being alone, but I feed off of other people's energy.
44.  Repentance allows us to access the atonement.
45.  Riding bikes in the rain is the funnest thing ever!
46.  I am not alone.
47.  I love white chocolate.
48.  I'll never be normal.
49.  I will succeed because I refuse to fail.
50.  Technology can be a very positive thing.
51.  I am a little better at directions than I give myself credit for.
52.  If I continually keep my focus on Jesus Christ, I won't be held back by anything.
53.  I can repent for my own mediocrity.
54.  Satan wants to destroy each of us.
55.  All my strength is weakness. God's strength is endless.
56.  Depression is real.
57.  Criticism is a tool.
58.  I take offence too easily. 
59.   Testimonies have power. 
60.              The spirit is what allows me to sympathize, empathize and relate with people. 
61.   Faith should be centered on Jesus Christ. 
62.  I need to be a stand-up person.  
63.     My debt to God only increases, because as I become better, he blesses me even more. 
64.   I don't have to be close (physically) to my family to become closer with them. 
65.   The first step in heeding spiritual promptings is recognizing them. 
66.  Sometimes a girl just needs a bouquet of flowers.
67.   Carving pumpkins is a dangerous hobby. 
68.  It's important to check the resolutions on pictures before printing them
69.  I'm judgmental. 
70.                    I can fix my natural tendencies. 
71.  There are many Latter-day Saints in the Northern Virginia Area. 
72.  When I work on one Christ-like attribute, I improve in them all. 
73.  The basics are the most important. 


  1. Amazing! This is such good stuff you are learning. Missions are wonderful things. Love you!

  2. I LOVE THANKSGIVING EVE!! (: Miss you and love you, sista.
